The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°32376l



The LexArt project | Words for Art: The Rise of a Terminology (1600-1750) led by Michèle-Caroline Heck and hosted by the University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier is one of the six French research projects selected in 2012 by the European Research Council in the field of humanities (ERC - Advanced Grant 323761).


In a perspective of fundamental and transversal research, the project focuses on the artistic vocabulary in North of the Alps, tracking its development in the seventeenth century and its transformation in the first half of the eighteenth century, in the writings on art published in French, German, Dutch, English and Latin between 1600 and 1750.


Taking into account the permeability of artistic boundaries and the circulation of concepts, as well as the specificity of each language, author, term and period, the ambition of the project is to show how scholars and theorists developed a common language across artistic communities in Early Modern Europe.


An innovative digital tool provides the academic community with a new resource: definitions of terms and concepts retrieved from the texts are presented and connected, allowing users to conduct a simple study or a complex multi-layered research by combining different elements such as terms, authors, areas, periods.


To deepen the research, the project team published articles dealing with methodological and thematic issues, complementing a dictionary of artistic terminology structured in multilingual entries and organized synthetically, including bibliographies, references to works of art and translations. Both are published in Open Access.


LexArt received a financial support from the ERC for a five-year period, starting in April 2013. The research team consists of a dozen European researchers and includes a scientific committee of professors and senior researchers. In addition, the project builds on a network of scientific partnerships with academic and research institutions.

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The LexArt project is funded by the European Research Council for a five-year period (2013-2018). The project is hosted by the University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier and more specifically within the C.R.I.S.E.S research center (Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines et Sociales – E.A. 4424).
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