Apr 25

International Symposium of the LexArt project (Montpellier, 15-17 June 2016): Program and details



Words for theory, words for practice: Forms , Uses and Issues in Early Modern artistic Lexicography


The international symposium organized in the framework of the LexArt project will be held from June 15 to June 17, at the University Paul-Valéry in Montpellier (France). Entitled Words for theory, words for practice: Forms , Uses and Issues in Early Modern artistic Lexicography, this event will bring together interventions of experts in art theory, while keeping a multidisciplinary prospect to also handle issues in lexicography and linguistics fields, to approach questions concerning the studies of translations, the editing of writings on art and the relationship between artistic theory and practice. In connection with the digital tool that the LexArt project is developing, a final part will be dedicated to issues and perspectives related to Digital Humanities.


Program and details are available here.