Dec 17

Creation of a collection LexArt on HAL: three articles on-line

Three articles written in the framework of the LexArt project are now available via the collection LexArt created on the HAL portal.

Two articles written by Michèle-Caroline Heck, PI of the LexArt project, are indeed on-line and accessible to all the academic community. The first one regards the place of the notion of convenience in Roland Fréart de Chambray’s book, Idée de la perfection de la peinture published in 1662, and especially how the author make this notion essential to consider Raffaello’s painting, The School of Athens. The second one tend to reapraise the place of Charles-Alphonse Dufresnoy (1611-1668) in the 17th century French art theory, focusing on the edition of his latin poem De Arte graphica published in 1673 by Roger De Piles (1635-1709). It shows how De Piles actually leaned on a manuscript written by Dufresnoy in 1649, the Observations  sur la peinture, to elaborate his Remarques.

A third article written by Aude Prigot, post-doctoral researcher in the LexArt project, is also available. It studies the text published in 1747 by Étienne La Font de Saint-Yenne (1688-1771), Réflexions sur quelques causes de l’état présent de la peinture en France (…), and different texts by Charles-Antoine Coypel (1694-1752) that can be seen as an answer to La Font de Saint-Yenne. Coypel indeed questions the legitimacy of the public to judge artists, but he also brings to light the importance and relevance of the vocabulary used by the critics.

These articles will be integrated to a more precise academic publication, but in the meantime, they are all available on-line under the status “working paper”.