Jun 11

June 2015 – today: development of the tool by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (Germany)

The digital tool is underway. It is the fruit of a collaboration between the LexArt team and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (University of Trier – Germany), directed by Claudine Moulin, professor of historical linguistics.

Begun and formalized in June 2015, the first phase of this collaboration is dedicated to the development of the input tool that will allow the research team to integrate all the data already collected during the first two years of research.

The LexArt team works closely with Radoslav Petkov, software engineer and responsible of databases’ establishment and modeling. Dr. Thomas Burch, specialist of technologies and digital procedures adapted to the humanities and Dr. Vera Hildenbrandt, researcher in literature and specialist in digital lexicography, both members of the management team of the Trier Center, supervise all the work – in concordance with Prof. dr. Michèle-Caroline Heck, LexArt’s project investigator and Prof. dr. Claudine Moulin, Scientific Director of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.

The development of the tool and technical choices are made in cooperation with Huma-Num, the “très grande infrastructure” (TGIR) of digital humanities, which will host and archive the database.